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Ruth the Eland

You Are Invited... To take a few moments and visit the rare and exotic animals at the Amanda Blake Memorial Wildlife Refuge here at Rancho Seco Park who were rescued from abuse and death through a joint effort by PAWS (The Performing Animal Welfare Society) and SMUD (The Sacramento Municipal Utility District). This captive wildlife, including the "possibly extinct" scimitar-horned oryx (shown on cover), and the ostrich - the world's largest bird - were indiscriminately bred for hunting ranches, food fads, leather and feather dusters.

'RUTH' the Eland photographed by Janice Clark

Thanks to PAWS and SMUD, these surplus animals have been liberated from their "cycle of hell."

ostrich rhea

Photographed by Betsy Swart

Here at the Amanda Blake Memorial Wildlife Refuge, we care about all life, from the eland, the largest of antelopes, to the inch-long fairy shrimp and small ponds of thriving water called vernal pools. These tiny shrimp are an essential link in the food chain of all aquatic life; and although less than 5% of this unique pool habitat remains intact, at least 60 of the native plants growing here are found nowhere else.

"Dedicated to providing refuge for surplus captive wildlife while promoting public support for natural habitats of endangered species and the protection of the environment."

oryx at Rancho Seco

Photographed by Janice Clark

Amanda Blake
Amanda Blake

She was the legendary "Miss Kitty" on Gunsmoke, a well-known voice for animals, and a dear friend of PAWS founders, Pat Derby and Ed Stewart.

This refuge was her dream.

We Need Your Help! With the rescue of oryx, eland, ostrich, emu and rhea, and the building of our first fences, feed stations, shelter and holding pens, we have completed Phase I. With your donations, we will be able to save more animals and begin Phase II - our education center and gift shop.

Phase II building Phase II

Amanda Blake Memorial Wildlife Refuge
At Rancho Seco Park
14440 Twin Cities Road

Open daily through Labor Day. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

After Labor Day
Open Weekends through Fall, weather permitting.

Sorry, we are not handicap accessible at this time.

Operated by:
The Performing Animal Welfare Society

Address all correspondence to:
P. O. Box 849
Galt, California 95632 (209) 748-5549
Fax (209) 745-1809
E-MAIL: paws@capaccess.org

Copyright © 1998 Performing Animal Welfare Society